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Thank you for checking out Asbestos Inspection Northwest, located in Mt Vernon in the lovely Skagit Valley. We greatly appreciate our clients. We are a certified AHERA inspection company that is licensed, bonded, insured and local. We only use NVLAP labs to analyze our samples to ensure the highest quality results. We specialize in inspecting commercial and residential buildings for the presence of ACM (asbestos containing materials), as well as the removal of asbestos containing material. Locally owned and operated we are happy to discuss your projects inspection and abatement needs, whether it is just an old furnace that needs looked at, or an entire commercial building. Asbestos can be found in all sorts of building materials, both old and new. Do not assume that a new building does not contain asbestos materials, building materials must be tested for asbestos to be sure.  The only way to know for sure if a product is asbestos (or is not) is to have it sampled and analyzed by a lab. Protect yourself, your family or your business. Give us a call today.


You probably have many questions about asbestos, its hazards and how to handle it. We are happy to help answer some of those questions. Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral that was used in thousands of products for several decades. Found in everything from brake pads, roofing, siding, floor tile, mastic, insulation, gaskets, under sinks and even in cigarette filters at one point, its safe to say it is everywhere. Our job, is to find out if it is in your building. While intact within its binding matrix, asbestos is generally not a hazard. However, once disturbed, the fibers can become airborne and this is when it can become a hazard to you and your family. Asbestos fibers are extremely small, about 100 times smaller in diameter than a human hair which is what makes them so dangerous. Asbestos should only be removed by a licensed abatement contractor. Keeping asbestos wet with amended water is key in keeping asbestos fibers at bay.


Our inspection process ensures that any asbestos fiber release is kept to the absolute minimum, by using the "wet method" as well as a certified HEPA vacuum to clean up any debris. This vacuum is not one you would find at your local hardware store, but specifically designed for asbestos work. The inspection process, properly done, will generally create absolute minimal dust. Long term exposure to asbestos creates the greatest risk to people. 




Contractors, avoid a hefty L and I fine and get inspected as required by law. Homeowners, don't put your family at risk, leave sampling asbestos to the professionals.

Call  425.443.2031 today. Free quotes, always.

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